Supergirl on Amethyst
In the month of September, 2017, I finished another Supergirl casting.
My last Supergirl and Streaky work had been sold in April at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo and I wanted another Supergirl casting ready for the Edmonton Expo in September.
I began casting this Supergirl in August, 2017. I had a few issues with shrinkage and I had to repair a few pinhole faults, but in general the casting was quite successful.
I mounted my new Supergirl casting on an amethyst gemstone that came from Morocco. This stone was provided from a gem and mineral supplier that also operates a resort in the Kootnay area of B.C.
This Supergirl turned out to be my premier work for the show. It was a wonderful work and I think the sale was due in no small part to the uniqueness of the amethyst stone that enhanced and complemented the piece.
The work is called Supergirl on Amethyst and is posted on this website. A few additional pictures follow.

Supergirl on Amethyst

Supergirl on Amethyst

Supergirl on Amethyst
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