Tankery Monument


Girls und Panzer

The Anglerfish Team are shown alongside a monument to their Panzer IV Ausf.D tank.

This bronze tank was cast from a Tamiya model kit.

The Anglerfish Team consists of second year students from Ooarai Girls High School.

SKU: 20170926 Category:


This is a casting of the Anglerfish (Ankō) team and a tank from the Girls und Panzer anime. The casting is intended to be a monument to the Tankery program at the Ooarai Girls High School.

The casting shows the front half of a 1:35 scale Panzer Kampfwagen IV Ausf.D tank. The tank was cast in silicon bronze.

The five schoolgirls from the Anglerfish team have all been cast in yellow brass. The flag was made from bronze rod and copper.

The casting has been mounted on a custom fabricated granite and marble base.

The silicon bronze contains 95% Cu, 4% Si, 1% Mn. The yellow brass has 63% copper, 1% lead, and various amounts of zinc and tin.

Height: 12 cm
Width: 20 cm
Depth: 21 cm
Weight: 3.5 kg