Work In Progress

This category shows how I cast bronze figurines, bronze sculptures, and other bronze curios. These are my Work-In-Progress postings.

Fairy on Twig

2018 Planned Castings


It is my plan to cast the following works in 2018. The works noted for Spring 2018 should be available for the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo at the end of March, 2018. The Fall works should be available for the Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo in September, 2018. Spring 2018 Fall 2018


Award Statue


People sometimes give out awards so I wanted to make an award statue similar to those given out at the Oscars or Genies or other shows. My logo image on my business card is a nice abstract figure. To turn my logo into an award statue I had to first turn it into a 3D […]

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon 2


I have completed making the silicone rubber moulds for Sailor Moon. I have also cast the parts so that I can begin assembly. Frankly, I was surprised at the amount of silicone rubber that was required. The total weight of the silicone rubber was 2610 grams. Some of the parts like the moon and pigtails […]

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon 1


I am starting a new a new bronze casting. What could be better than a cast of Sailor Moon? It was Sailor Moon that first introduced me to resin models of anime characters almost 20 years ago, and this led to my passion to cast these kits in bronze. Although the figure looks to be […]

Treecko (Pokémon)

Pokémon Treecko and Torchic


I cast some little Pokémon Treecko and Torchic figurines as small little baubles. I am not quite sure what you would do with them, but they were easy to make. I wonder if they could be hung from the Christmas tree as ornaments? They are not very big. They stand about 5 cm tall and […]

Dead Pirate's Chest

Pirates – Complete


I finished my pirate work. This is mostly in preparation for my upcoming show at Calgary Expo 2017. I decided to mount all my pirate bronze on a custom granite base. I decided to call this work “Dead Pirate’s Chest”.