This is another sister sculpture to McBride’s Mountain, first cast in November, 2020.
Chuck McBride is a fellow in California who discovers and explores old gold mines from the California gold rush days in 1848-1855. I was researching old ore carts for my Billy Miles Gold Mine sculpture and I discovered his postings on the Internet regarding a cart he had discovered in an old mine.
This sculpture uses another unique amethyst that is ideal for a sculpt of my old prospector mining the geode. I have once again cast an old mine cart and placed it on rails.
This cart is again designed as a tactile sculpture. One end of the cart opens to dump the ore. The cart tips to facilitate removal of the ore from the open end.
The miner is cast in silicon bronze. A ferric nitrate patina has been applied to obtain the rich brown colour.
The ore cart is also cast in silicon bronze. It has a heat patina obtained from repeated use of the torch during casting and assembly.
Height: 20 cm
Width: 34 cm
Depth: 20 cm
Weight: 5.8 kg