Druzy Dolphins


This is the second dolphin sculpture that I have made.

I called this work “Druzy Dolphins” as the bronze cast dolphins are mounted on druzy quartz.

SKU: 20210428 Category:


This sculpture has taken three of my bronze cast dolphins and set them on a piece of druzy quartz that originated in Missouri, USA.

I acquired the quartz in Tucson, Arizona, in February 2020, shortly before the Covid-19 pandemic. The quartz is slightly green in colour and looks a little like coral. It was always my intention to use this piece for a dolphin sculpture.

The dolphins are cast in silicon bronze and given a liver of sulphur patina. Three small turtles cast in yellow brass are positioned on the stone. A large shell cast in white bronze is set underneath the quartz stone on the walnut base.

Height: 24 cm
Width: 25 cm
Depth: 25 cm
Weight: 5.5 kg