

This work is called “Answering”.

This is a 1/8 scale solid bronze statue of Lemmy Miyauchi from the To Heart anime. It is my plan to set her in a school classroom where she is excited to answer a question.

The classroom setting will contain old style school desks and a blackboard containing a proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem. The work, when complete, will be called “Eureka”.

SKU: 20140705 Category:


I have named this piece “Answering” as the schoolgirl is clearly excited to answer a question.

This is a 1/8 scale solid bronze statue of Lemmy Miyauchi from the To Heart anime.

This figure is cast from a high tin bronze that is alloyed from 90% copper and tin.

Her uniform has been cast in white bronze. This metal, if placed in a week acid, has the property that metallic copper can be raised to the surface. This technique has been used to colour her uniform.

The piece is cast in multiple parts.  The legs are cast separately from the rest of the piece. The hands and head and ponytail are usually cast as separate pieces.

She is mounted on a custom made marble base.

Height: 25.0 cm
Width: 10.0 cm
Depth: 10.0 cm
Weight: 980 grams