The Pirate Fairy


This is Tiki, the Pirate Fairy. When I cast this fairy sitting on a bag of coins I didn’t know that Disney had tried to appropriate the pirate fairy name for an animated movie.

Regardless, this is my rendition of a slightly naughty fairy who has stolen a bag of loot.

The coins are British one pound coins.

A fine piece of iron pyrite is sitting by the bag of coins.

SKU: 20190517 Category:


This work was cast in natural bronze and yellow brass. The bag was given a heat patina to oxidize and darken the metal.

Tiki’s dress has been coloured with a cold enamel that is heat cured and bonded to the metal. This enamel is virtually identical to hard fired enamel.

Fourteen British one pound coins are spilling from the bag.

The sculpture is mounted on honey onyx. An iron pyrite nodule is set with the sculpture.

In August 2020 I reworked this sculpture to improve the sculpture and replace the pyrite stone with pyrite cubes. At that time I gave her a brown costume instead of green.

Height: 18 cm
Width: 30 cm
Depth: 18 cm
Weight: 4.5 kilograms