Rozen Maidens


This work shows 1:8 scale bronze cast figurines of the Rozen Maiden dolls Shinku and Souseiseki mounted on a beautiful piece of black granite embedded with gold coloured articulated quartz. Two rose buds are shown in the picture but only one bronze cast rose bud adorns the piece.

The Rozen Maidens project was designed to cast in bronze cute super-deformed figurines of two of the Rozen Maiden dolls. It is also known as the Victorian Maidens project.

SKU: 20160401 Category:


This work is titled “Rozen Maidens”.

This work shows 1:8 scale bronze cast figurines of the Rozen Maiden dolls Shinku and Souseiseki mounted on a beautiful piece of black granite embedded with gold colored articulated quartz. Two rose buds are shown in the picture but only one bronze cast rose bud adorns the piece.

Each figure is custom made in solid bronze. This figure is cast in a bronze made from copper and tin known as Ancient bronze. Shinku, the doll with the curly pigtails is cast in one pour. Souseiseki’s scissors and top hat can be cast separately in a white bronze that looks like silver.

The rose buds are cast from organic matter.

My castings are all hot cast using a lost wax process.

The work is made by hand. The figurine and all accessories are pinned and mounted on a natural granite base.

Height: 18 cm
Width: 23 cm
Depth: 15 cm
Weight: 2.7 kg