Supergirl 2
I’m almost finished my first version of Supergirl. This one will be colored with cold enamel. My second version that is cast but waiting to be assembled has her cape, boots, and uniform in white bronze. This version will not be colored.
The photos show my masking and coloring, for both her blue and red. I am using transparent enamels which allow some of the metal color to show through.
I have also prepared her base for mounting. The stone is a piece of rock that I retrieved from a trip up the old abandoned Kettle Valley railroad that I took in June 2014. This was a wonderful excursion with my brother and niece. I have included some pictures so that people have some history of the stone.

Beginning Masking for Cape

Completed Masking for Cape and Boots

Masking for Costume

Costume Painted with Airbrush

Supergirl Unmasked

Retrieving Supergirl’s Stone Base

Kettle Valley Railroad – Castlegar to Paulson

Railroad Trestle

Railroad Trestle

Railroad Tunnel

Kettle Valley Railroad History
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