Wonder Woman 2


I wanted to have Wonder Woman cast in time for the Calgary Expo at the end of April.

Unfortunately, with my furnace having failed I am not likely to have it repaired and back from the manufacturer in time to cast this figurine.

However, I can make a wax model of the sculpture. I can show this and take pre-orders for the finished sculpture if people are interested in the work.

I am actually doing two versions of Wonder Woman. One version is in the traditional comic book costume with a cape. The other version will emulate Gal Gadot as she appears in the recent Wonder Woman movies.

I have part of the Gal Gadot version cast in metal and can show this. I’ll post another update when I have the rest of the Gal Gadot version in wax.

Wonder Woman in Wax

Wonder Woman in Wax

Wonder Woman in Wax

Wonder Woman in Wax

Gal Gadot in Bronze